The LCRB administers liquor licences for different establishments and functions in the province of British Columbia (BC)

Food-primary is primarily for establishments that serve food – like restaurants.
Liquor Primary – is primarily for establishments that serve liquor – like bars, or in conjunction with their other services – like stadiums or spas.
Contact us to help you determine which licence addresses your needs.
Liquor Licence Types
Permits the authorized manufacturer to sell products like beer, wine, cider or spirits to the LDB which arranges the distribution and sale throughout BC.
A manufacturer licence permits you to perform contracted manufacturing of liquor for another manufacturer or trademark owner.
Contact us for help with your Manufacturer Licence.
Manufacturer Licences

Permits a licence holder to consume alcohol for a one-time/one-location event.
Server, operation, certain advertising and special event maximum drink pricing rules apply.
Special Occasions
Licences are predominantly issued for a one-year period and carries a respective fee for each.
Renewal notices are sent sixty days prior to the licence expiration and can be renewed up-to thirty days after expiry – fees apply.
Subclasses of licences or permits exist under each licence category – like the catering endorsement that allow you to serve food and beverages at your client’s event location – a catering authorization may also be required.
Licences are issued once all governing bodies obligations are met.
A Liquor Licence comes with great responsibility and accountability

Protect your legal-age customers from alcohol overindulgence – it is your right to refuse the sale of additional alcoholic beverages to an intoxicated patron.
Comply with LCRB Inspectors and Police Officer inspections.
Kindly turn away intoxicated persons from entering your premises.
Ensure your staff is trained and certified to serve alcohol.
…and many more.
Your Obligations

LCRB Obligations
Theirs is to ensure you are protecting your customers from alcohol overindulgence through inspection of your premise, liquor acquisition and financial operations; identifying underaged patrons, among others.
Inspections can be conducted by either an LCRB Inspector or Police Officer to ensure compliance with the Liquor Control and Licencing Act (LCLA).
Can recommend and/or lay charges in violation of the Liquor Control and Lcencing Act (LCLA).
Each licence comes with its own set of responsibilities and accountabilities.
It is pertinent that you understand all materials available for you by the LCRB and to become familiar with the Liquor Control and Licencing Act.
If you’re unsure of your obligations – then contact us for assistance, no commitment necessary.